[ABAP] Abap Dynamic ALV

Create and display an ALV on ABAP easily. This is a class used to create an dynamic output table combining fields from different table that you have some data in order to display your data all together without the need to create a new output table structure statically in the code.

How to use :

          > Use static method add_instraction to add a field on the output ALV
            It takes 2 mandatory field :
              *im_table : the table refference that contains the field we want to add
              *im_fieldname : the name of the field that we want to add to ALV
          > Use static method add_column_instraction to change ALV column properties
            It takes 2 mandatory field and 4 oprional :
              *column_name        : The name of the column to make the changes
              *column_text        : The header of the column
              *column_text_medium : The medium size header of the column (optional, Default = column_text)
              *column_text_short  : The short size header of the column  (optional, Default = column_text)
              *column_length      : The length of the column             (optional, Default = Optimal)
              *column_vissible    : The vissibility of the column        (optional, Default = Vissible)
          > Use static method create_alv to build the ALV and prepair for display
          > Use static method display_alv to display the ALV created (need to be created first)
          > Change global static object alv_table to make any further changes on the ALV output
            (need to be created first)
          > Use static method clear to discart all the instractions
          > Use static method dispose_alv to dispose the alv_table
          > Use static method row_count to get the number of rows of output table
          > Use static method get_field to get the value of a cell.
            It takes 3 parameters :
             *im_row         : The row index that we want to get the field from
             *im_column_name : The column name from which we get the value
             *ch_content     : The value of the cell is returned here
          > Use static method get_row to get a row from table
            It takes 2 parameters :
             *im_row         : The row index that we want to return
             *ch_struct      : The row is returned here
          > Use static method get_selected_cell to get the value of selected cell
           It takes 1 parameter :
             *ch_content     : The values of the cell is returned here
          > Use static method get_selected_row to get a selected row
           It takes 2 parameters :
             *im_row_number : The row number from the rows selected (ex. 1st, 2nd ...) (optional, Default = 1 )
             *ch_struct     : The row is returned here

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