
[C#] MultiBin

Keep record of everything you have copied. Multibin is capable of keeping record of every text, image and file you have copies so you can easily recall later. The shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE is used to open and interact with MultiBin.

[C#] SAPShortcutMaker

SSM have been created to add a necessary missing feature to SAP and that is secure connection shortcuts. With SSM you can manage your SAP connections and create connection shortcuts easily and securely. All passwords are stored securely encrypted locally.

[C#] SnakeS

A Snake game that can be easily implemented on any C# .Net application Installation : Add the Block.cs, Blocks.cs, Settings.cs and Game.cs to your project. Initialize the game by creating an instance of Game class : Game game = new Game ( BlocksNumberOnX, BlocksNumberOnY, RefreshRateInMs, DisplayController ); BlocksNumberOnX = Number of blocks on X axis BlocksNumberOnY = Number of blocks on Y axis RefreshRateInMs …

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[C#] QuickCuts

Access required functionality from the desktop easily and quickly. Functionality : Middle click on the arrow when it is pointing right to keep it on the top of every windows Right click on the arrow when it is pointing right to restart the program Left click on the arrow when it is pointing right to …

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